Thursday, May 9, 2013

Perfect Rainy Day Food- Beef and Vegetable Soup

Well today was so gloomy and the forecast for the next two days is rain and for me that is having a big pot of something cooking on the stove, staying in our pjs, not putting makeup on and just having a fun play day with the girls and not being on a schedule or trying to hustle and bustle around town. Growing up, my mom would call it "rainy day schedule". Sometimes, she would even let us skip school to have a rainy day schedule and after I graduated from college and was in the "working world" she would convince me to call in and have a "rainy day" with her. Again, my mom always made little things FUN things! I know I brag on her ALOT but being that mother's day is Sunday, I think I'm entitled to brag on her a little bit! But, let's be honest...I'll probably keep on bragging...
I'm just so Thankful that I had the best role model!
A lot of those rainy days we were all in the kitchen. We always loved being in the kitchen all together, cooking and laughing. DAD reaped the benefits!
We never wanted to go to the grocery store bc that would require getting dressed, violation to rule #1 of rainy day schedule!
So we had to cook with whatever we had and that is a great lesson to learn- to make something with what you've got!
So today, that landed us a big ol' pot of beef and vegetable soup
Beef and Vegetable Soup
Start by browning your meat, I had some stew meat in the fridge. I dumped that in the pot with a little olive oil, seasoned with salt and pepper and browned the meat. Once browned, I added 1 Can of Tomato Paste, then 1 can of water.
Then add whatever tomato product you have or want to use. You can use pureed tomatoes, sauce, canned tomatoes, whatever you have.. even V8 juice...
Today I used a box of pomi tomatoes. Then I also added 1 box of vegetable broth
And added lots of water, until the pot was this full-

In hindsight, I put a lil too much water, and my pot was overflowing....
I was in a rush and wasn't thinking....
Then bring it to a steady boil and start adding your vegetables
You can really put whatever vegetables you want...can't go wrong. Use what you have!
I think no matter what you put you should always put onion, celery, garlic and carrots. I also put fresh tomatoes, bellpepper, corn, zucchini, potatoes and peas!

Then you just got to season it A LOT!!!!
Salt, red pepper, garlic powder, oregano and basil. I MEAN you have to season it and reseason it a lot. there is a lot of liquid!
I also put fresh oregano and fresh basil (I really think that makes a big difference too)
Then you just got to let it cook for a long time....just let it boil and cook for a good 2 hrs. The longer the better...

Stir occasionaly, make sure the bottom doesn't stick.
Taste occasionally...see if you need to reseason
*remember its boiling hot and to let it cool b/c I sure did burn my tongue good today*

Enjoy! Hearty meal!
Be sure to stay tuned tomorrow for our 2nd Feature Friday!!!!

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