Friday, April 26, 2013

Fish Friday

If you knew me in college, you knew I was obsessed with 2 things: Salmon and Spinach Salad.
Well, 2 pregnancies later I can no longer eat raw spinach. If it is hidden in a mixed salad and it touches my tongue, my gag reflex kicks in immediately!
BUT I still love Salmon!!!
I cook salmon usually once a week.

Here's Jerry's favorite way-
Place on broiler pan
Season with touch of olive oil, lemon juice and balsamic vinegar
Salt, red pepper, garlic powder, lemon pepper, basil and oregano
Broil for like 10 mins prob max
You have to watch it bc the broiler cooks it so fast, and you dont want to over cook it but I do not like it under cook it so I really watch it pretty closely.

I cooked this for lunch one day so I would have salmon just to eat on for the week and didn't get a picture.....Will get one next week!
I wish I could say my girls ate salmon but so far havent been successful. It is a strong fish though but if they keep seeing us eat it, they will eventually.
They do like other lighter fishes like tilapia and Giuliana loves tuna...
Those recipes to come!

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