Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Blogging again?

A few years ago when blogging was new and everyone had a blog, I too blogged. But not really for a reason...! Occasionally, I would post recipes since cooking is one of my passions. Well since I quit, randomly some of my friends will ask me for a recipe and remind me that when I had the blog it was easy for them to go back and find my recipes.
Well, fast forward like 4 years, 2 babies, VERY part time realtor and seriously no time to blog.... now I decide its the perfect time to start a new blog!
As a mom who is on a constant mission to find ways to make my meals easier, faster and healthy for my kids, I thought it would be fun to post the meals I make...wins and failures.
You can learn from my mistakes and hopefully find a new recipe that your family will enjoy too.
My main focus is always cooking things that my girls will like but also satisfies Jerry and me too. Jerry and I usually eat what I cook for the girls. I do not believe in being a short order cook. I cook one supper. If they dont like it, then they can have a bowl of cereal but thats it. That is how my momma raised me and that is how I plan on raising my girls. I'm also determined that my kids will LIKE healthy food and not WANT mac'n cheese everyday!
I will most likely show you what I cook for them and how I serve the same meal to Jerry and I. I am ALWAYS dieting and usually cut down on the amount of carbs me and Jerry eat.
Hoping someone finds benefit from this new blog!

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