Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Roasted chicken

Tonight I roasted two chickens
I do this a lot when I need to feed a lot of people!
I placed the two washed organic chickens on the roasting pan, seasoned with olive oil, fresh lemon juice, lemon zest, salt, lemon pepper, garlic powder, red pepper, sumac, basil and oregano. 
I stuffed each chicken with a cut lemon in half.
Baked at 350 for 3 hrs, leave uncovered for last 20 minutes so it browns.

I plated this on a platter and them poured the natural gravy it made over.
Forgot to take a pic of it on the platter!


Tonight my AWESOME cousin Bret is in town from KC
He is in town doing a photo shoot
He's a pretty cool dude and my girls are LOVING HIM
He's gonna make an AWESOME daddy one day....
Learn more about him here-
 So tonight I am cooking up a family style dinner.
Roasted chicken(recipe to come)
Rice dressing (recipe on previous post)
Baked Vegetables
Greek Salad
So this afternoon I made my humus for tonight
Its always best to make it ahead of time, so it has time to chill and set
First put all your ingredients in food processor or blender
Here I have 2 cans of rinsed chickpeas
3 cloves of garlic (ratio is 1 garlic clove to 1 can of chick peas but we like it extra garlic)
2 heaping tbsp of tahini
lemon juice
Season with salt, red pepper and sumac (lebanese seasoning)
I dont measure, but this is how much lemon juice I put in
Fresh lemon juice is best

Blend away, I had to add a little warm water to get consistency right
Taste and season if needed
Top with Sumac or Paprika when serving

***Sumac is a lebanese seasoning my mom and I discovered about 6 months ago. Its red/brown in color but very refreshing and lemony. Gives pretty color too! It is delicious and aids in digestion! Add it to your seasoning cabinet!

Monday, June 17, 2013

If you didn't know, now you do!

It's Vidalia Onion Season!!!!
Are ya'll excited about this as I am!
I saw my first crop of vidalia onions in the stores this week. Only the Randalls by my house has them, but Kroger said it would be getting them this week.
This is the BEST onions get-
Super sweet onions from Georgia
My family is slightly obsessed with them and when we see them, we call everybody and tell them where they can be found!
My grandfather says that the flatter it is, more or less shaped like a disc, the sweeter the onion too!
Can't wait for some good summer Kibbee with sweet vidalia onions!
So look for them in your grocery and try them,
if you're already not obsessed with them like we are!

Oh and momma fried some up this past weekend for Father's Day with a little side of sauce mixture of mayonaisse, ketchup and tabasco....

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day Fish Fry

For Father's Day, my family came over and we had a fish fry.
For as long as I can remember, this is the way we fried fish.
Really, I think with this recipe you could fry anything and it would be so good!
I did not take step-by-step pictures, because lets be honest..it was kind of crazy so I only got this shot of the fried fish but I thought I would still share the recipe!
Marinate fish preferrably overnight in yellow mustard and tabasco.
No specific measurement or ratio, depends on how hot you want it!
I had 2 bags of fish.
In each bag I used 1 big bottle of yellow mustard and 3/4 bottle of tabasco!
Then we batter it in 1/2 flour and 1/2 cornmeal seasoned with Tony's
Then we deep fried it
Right when it comes out of the fryer, sprinkle with Tony's

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Homeade Fresh Salsa

This past weekend we had a BBQ and one of my friends brought over homeade salsa and ever since then I have been craving more!
I love homeade fresh salsa!
So I made my momma's recipe-
Tomatoes, bellpeppers, jalepenos and parsley
1 can of rotel

I put it all in my cuisinart, along with a little salt, pepper and red wine vinegar
and woila-
YUMMMY fresh salsa!!!

I love it as salad dressing, with my egg whites in the morning, with my chicken breasts...just everything!
Tonight I ate it with my vegetable Terra chips!
So Good!!!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Syrian Rice

So, you have probably noticed by now that we eat A LOT of rice, well my kids do!
My kids LOVE rice.
I was raised on it and being Lebanese, syrian rice is kind of a staple.
Also, fun little fact- where my family is from
Crowley, Louisiana
is also known as the Rice Capitol of the world.
Those marshes make yummy rice!
So being lebanese and from south Louisiana- we serve everything over rice!
If you have eaten over at my house or my families, more than likely you have had our rice.
We are pretty picky about our rice and there is no Such thing as eating bagged rice or uncle bens!
Seriously it grosses me out-sorry to those that eat it...
But that is like sooo faux pas in my house!
But there is kind of an art to making good rice.
My advice is to find a specific pot in your kitchen that you will always make your rice in and learn and perfect how to make it in that pot! I know that sounds wierd but eventually it will make sense to you!.
Syrian Rice
Start by putting a little olive oil on medium heat
Add a handful of crunched up vermicelli
I crunch it by the fists as I put it in the pot.
Stand there and brown it, by stirring it constantly
First it will turn white, then brown REALLy fast and you do not want to burn it!
If you burn it, then your whole pot of rice will taste burnt and you will need to start over!
So stand there, stirr constantly until it is golden brown

Then grab your rice and add it to the pot

Stir your rice in so it gets mixed well.
Now- I DO not measure how much rice I put in
BUT if you are making rice for the first time, do, so  you know how much water to add in a minute.
Then take notice of how much rice is in your pot and where you water comes up over the rice.
Then eventually, you will be able to recognize those levels and be able to eyeball it.
To me, the more you do it, you eventually remember it and then you dont have to measure and its much easier cooking without measuring-and its faster!
That is why I say always cook it in the same pot!

So once you add your rice and stir it together
Add your water.
So rice cooks on a 1:2 ratio of rice:water
if you put 1/2 cup of rice you will need 1 cup of water

Again, I can cook rice with my eyes closed bc I have cooked it so much and in this pot that I dont measure my rice or water.
I know how much water to add based on the level in my pot.

So once you add your water, bring your fire up to medium and let it come up to a boil

Let the water cook out a little bit, then when the water level is just under the rice-there is still quite a bit of water, but you can see the top layer of rice, turn your fire down, to low and put the lid on cracked.
Then once you can't see the water at all and its almost all cooked out, cover it completely and turn it all the way down to the lowest setting and let it kind of steam for a good 10 minutes or so.

Then turn it off until you are ready to serve and "fluff" it before you dish.
Ligthly stirring it and fluffing it up.

*if the rice is not cooked all the way through, you can add a little more water and let it steam.
or if it turns out too mushy-then you put too much water
best advice is practice.
try and remember if you put too much or not enough water that way next time you adjust.
eventually you will learn how much water and can make perfect rice everytime.
Tonight, my girls had rice with the basil chicken and green beans that they are OBSESSED with and I cook at least once a week right now. So if you are wondering why im not posting new recipes its bc im cooking freaking chicken and green beans bc its all they want to eat! I guess I shouldn't complain though!
Oh and I love rice and haven't eaten it in a few months...willpower!

Monday, June 3, 2013

What's in your IceBox?

So the other day I was having a girls night with one of my favorite girlfriends. We were discussing the usual husbands, kids, schedules, etc.
We started talking about cooking and I was kind of giving her how I grocery shop and stock my icebox for the week.
I tend to not meal plan...sometimes I do but for the most part I just set up my fridge with my "weekly basics" which I feel sets me up for healthy meals for the week.
So being Monday, I am fully stocked so I thought I would give you a tour.
So let me preface that I am anal about my refrigerator.
I LOVE organizing and cleaning.
Really I think I could be a professional organizer. I really LOVE it!
I also like everything being clean and one thing I DESPIZE is a cluttered, dirty refrigerator.
So here is my fridge:
Top left, fruit
Under that I have my eggs
Under that I have a pot of left over rice dressing.
Top right, is dairy items-fat free cool whip(dont tell anyone), fage yogurt, organic baby yogurt and a jar of ground flax seeds
under that some Eas shakes, where we keep waters and any other drinks, water bottles usually
Under that, leftovers-rice, beans and some chicken breasts
Left Hydrator- all my vegetables
Every week I buy these- bellpeppers, carrots, cucumbers, zuchini, squash and eggplant

another view of left hydrator

Right hydrator- I keep all my greens
Different lettuces, spinach, etc

Bottom drawer
Left side is deli meats, cheeses, butter and any bread
Right side is more vegetables- cauliflower, broccoli, celery, tomatoes

I know there is no meat shown.
I usually buy 3 different kinds of chicken- a whole chicken, chicken tenders and chicken breasts (we eat a LOT of chicken), ground turkey and some sort of fish. Occasionally I buy red meat (prob 1 every 2 weeks), and occasionaly I buy pork tenderloins.
Shrimp probably 1 every 1 1/2 weeks.
I usually put most of my meat in the freezer and take out what I am going to cook the next day, the night before, put it in the refrigerator to thaw over night so it is ready to cook the next afternoon.
This is my system that works for me.
Before I had kids, I would come home and wash all my fruits and vegetables and put everything in ziploc bags or vegetable bags so that it was ready to eat, ready to cook and make it super easy.
HA! that never gets done anymore!
Some other staples that are not shown-onions, sweet potatoes, apples and bananas.
Hopefully this gives you some ideas of how to set up your fridge to have what you need to cook healthy, fast meals for your family.
We usually go through everything by Saturday.
Jerry is off on Thursdays and we usually go out to lunch that day.
Other than that, we are cooking at home.
Sundays, we go out for lunch a lot too!
When you have yummy fresh vegetables that will go bad...you got to eat them while they are good!